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It's never been more important to nurture innovation and excellence among smaller charities, which are so often overshadowed by the big players of the voluntary sector. It is typically the smaller organisations that have the fresh...
As an individual you can re-use more items in your day-to-day activities. Here are a few ideas (but there are many more for you to discover!): Reusing your shopping bags is a very useful tip. You can even get a "bag for life...
Barnardo's | Essex, Braintree, CM7 1TX
Barnardo's is a Children's Charity that raises funds through a number of charity shops around the country.

Bulky Waste.Org Presentation 26th May 2011

This is the poweroint presentation given by at the Reuse Essex Event on the 26th May 2011

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Reuse and Recycling in Essex and Cambridgeshire

This report details the implications of setting up a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Reuse and Recycling Project in...